Friday, July 13, 2012

Look at my cute boy! i have been really bad at keeping up but that is because i am so i love and busy with this cute little boy!! he is so happy and 7 months old! SERIOUSLY! where has the time gone..

At his 6 month appointment our child is a little monster :) he was 28 inches long, and 20 lbs.. he is off the charts for his height and the 90 percent for everything else. i love my chunky tall baby!

He has 2 adorable little teeth on the bottom and loves FOOD! he can feed himself and loves his puffs and fruits chunks. Anything mom and dad have he thinks he needs.. He loves remotes, cell phones string wires pretty much anything that is NOT a toy, he is not crawling yet but still manages to get into things. He LOVES water we go to the local water park quite a bit and he LOVES to Splash! when i run the bath water he pulls himself up on the side of the tub buts that is the only place he will pull himself up.. its pretty funny.. We fall more in love with our little boy everyday.. I cant imagine life without him!

AS for Jared and I we are both graduated and even though Jared had a couple more chem credits he needs for paton law we took the summer off of school! we are hanging out playing at the waterpark and just enjoying watching our little man grow up. Jared has really loved being home with him the last 2 months. It has been great!! Well there is a little update on the lives of our little family :) we love you all!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Embarrassing moments:
I seem to stumble into these quite often and most of the time i just laugh at myself.. well just today i tripped and Kyler smiled.. great now i have an audience... I totally fell in the church parking lot the other week, skinned my knee, a couple months ago fell down the stairs holding my chocolate cake and peed my pants (don't ask me why i'm telling you this just figured you would enjoy some laughter) don't worry my chocolate cake was totally fine, i fall up or down the stairs quite often actually grocery shopping apparently the automatic door was broken ran right into it. These moments in my life really help me to know im still alive and young. I can still fall and skin my knee just like i did when i was 10, I am always running around and never paying attention to what i am doing.. Sometimes i feel like my life is in fast forward and its never going to slow down, I am married have a baby, graduating college all of these wonderful events that i wouldn't change for the world but life goes by so quickly! these small embarrassing moments help me to stop and appreciate my life and everything i have! Is this making an sense.. maybe it was Kylers smile that set me off it really is the cutest thing in the world, knowing that he is beginning to be aware and understand life around him and that he smile AT ME.. I sure love this kid and everything i have in my life. Jared is an amazing person and i wouldn't change him for anything :)

This post is over due considering he is 4 months old but we'll get on taking that picture this week! He is becoming so active i cant believe it. He hits his toys that dangle above him in his bouncy chair.. he is excellent at tummy time. He still doesnt like to do it for very long but hes getting really good, he started to like his bumbo chair. He is still sleeping through the night and is just wonderful! i love being this little mans mom :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

CHOCOLATE: We have a love hate relationship.. Why does it have to be so good. I could give up anything in the world except this. WHY. So dumb. Jared doesn't really like sweets, like any sweets how did he get so lucky... We have been trying to eat a lot healthier lately and i have no problem with that but i just cant let go of my chocolate and as i type this and think about it i don't even feel bad.. i love it and there is nothing you can do about it :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So last weekend we took Kyler to his first Jazz game! he loved it he was so focused on all the sounds and lights and people it was great. Jared is a Lebron James fan so he wanted to go watch him play so for Valentines day i got him some tickets :) I'm a jazz fan so I am glad they won by 1 point! It was intense but they are the best kind of games! During the game I look at Jared and he is snapping pictures while all the cheerleaders are on i ask him what the heck are you taking pictures of! (joking around im not crazzy haha!) and he says oh baby im taking pictures of
Lebron...only my husband haha. It was a great night and Kyler was amazing!

I have amazing people in my life. My two best friends from high school flew all the way out here to meet our little man. how blessed am I :) it was so great having them here and catching up. No matter where we are in our life we never seem to forget about the things that are important. I love these girls so much!

Seriously i just love this kid! he is the most easy going lovable baby ever! we truly are blessed :)
we have started the whole him sleeping in his own crib and i made way to big of a deal about it.
we tried it once and he was not having it he cried and i just couldn't let him cry it out.
i know i'm a big wuss
He never cries so i think that is why it was so hard to listen to him cry.
SO the next night we tried again and did things a little different
I laid him down and played with his hair a little bit and talked to him
and in 5 minutes he was out! He slept the whole night too.
He has done it the last 2 nights in a row! Its takes a little longer but i can take 5 minutes to put my little man to bed . he sleeps from 9 till about 7
Its great! i do miss him sleeping next to me because it just means hes getting bigger!
being a mom really is the best job in the world.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

So kyler was born with tons of hair and it is how do we say... out of control! i have tried everything gel, hairspray etc.
and it just sticks right up but i love it :)
Jared suggested cutting it and i freaked out. Im so far from ready to cut his cute little spikes :) So for now he can have crazy out of control hair.

I hope you can tell in this picture he looks like a porcupine but it kind of blends in with the chair.

he is just too cute!

i cant believe my little man is 2 month old.. well according to his 2 month stat i shouldnt call him my little man! He is 14 lbs and 24.5 inches long!
He has chunky cheeks and i LOVE them i kiss them at least 24532 times a day.
Likes: he likes to eat obviously! you better believe hes eating every 3 hours and tends to get a little impatient if mom is taking too long! He loves to talk and smile at mom and dad. He has LOTS of stories. He likes to roll during tummy time, tummy time is not his favorite now that he knows how to roll over. he loves to poop and gets a big grin on his face after the duty is done. He loves to sleep with mom and dad and yes i let him.
dislikes: hates getting dressed after a bath cause its too cold for him. Hates having to wait to eat he moves his lips super fast and starts to cry if its not right when hes ready.
other than that hes such a GREAT baby. he is so chill and loving he still loves to cuddle and i just eat it all up!
Momma loves you baby kyler :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

1 Month old!
When they say time flies they aren't kidding Kyler is already a month old!
he smiles while hes awake now it used to only be while he was asleep
we have been working on tummy time but he usually falls asleep while doing his work haha.
e hardly ever cries unless something is wrong
He hates having to wait to eat even if its 30 seconds. Its quite cute :)
he loves to take a bath! He just sits there and lets mom and dad get him all clean
He still sleeps quite a bit but hates to go to sleep at night but once he is asleep he'll give us a good 4-6 hour stretch which is very nice.
He likes watching basketball with dad so it looks like im gonna be outvoted here soon.
His hair sticks up every which way but i love it! He have tried everything.
We are loving every minute with this little boy and its so fun to watch him grow..
His facial expressions are priceless and Jared and I love every single one. even his sad face is adorable. We love being parents even on the hard nights :)

Blessing & Christmas :)
So since my family lives on the East Coast we decided to bless Kyler pretty early he was 2 weeks old and we just did it in our home. We had a small little blessing with just our immediate families and it was prefect. Jared did such a good job and Kyler was perfect.. (can you tell im in love with this little boy :)

Looking so handsome!
Our little family
Kyler and his cousin Tylee she is only 3 weeks older than him
both of our families
My family! so glad they could all be there and so Grateful they sacrificed and came to us for Christmas love you guys!
Jareds family :)
Kylers cousin Kendall loved holding him and giving him kisses she is a great cousin! <3
Christmas Day: Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids they are coming pretty fast we have another sweet girl coming in March! It was great having the family here. We still got up soo early but hey thats the tradition i have a feeling its going to get later as the years go on karson is the youngest and he is almost 15 so im sure sleeping in will be a priority soon hopefully ;)
Christmas morning was great.. Kyler got so much haha it was funny, my niece was so fun to watch she is 2.5 and actually understood what was going on. We kept telling her all week Santa was coming and she was so excited well that morning she walked downstairs past all the presents and all her toys that were set up and walked into the kitchen and said. " wheres santa?" haha she thought he was coming to visit her just like we had been telling her lol. She is a smart girl!
These are our matching PJ's this year so cute thanks mom and dad!

Of course Christmas was on Sunday so we got up and headed to church.
The cutest baby!! ;)
Kyler is here!... well has been here :)
New Years resolution be a better blogger... but a little over a month ago our sweet baby came into this world! i already cant believe its been over a month. He is such a joy and we just love everything about him! So before i forget i wanted to get his birth story on here for all those who have been asking! So i went to the doctors on Tuesday and the doctor told me to plan on being pregnant for the next week even though i was already 3 days overdue because he didn't think i would be back to see him, i was so upset! My mom was here and we had been walking like crazy and trying all the tricks you know eating spicy food, black licorice everything but he was just being stubborn! Well we continued to walk and Thursday night while decorating our tree i started having contractions i was actually excited until they started getting really bad then i was done. haha. Jared was timing them and once i had them every 2-3 minutes for 3 hours it was off the hospital and in my mind i was already dying how it was going to get worse amazed me! well we checked in and i was only dilated to 1.5 but the nurse told me that my contractions were so strong so she didn't think we would be leaving. Well an hour later i hadn't changed so the nurse felt bad cause she saw how strong my contractions were so she stripped my membranes trying to get me to progress an hours later still nothing... i wanted to cry. so she said lets try it one more time and if it still hadn't change they would send me home with a shot of morphine. I did not want that.. so she tried again and in the process broke my water on accident! which was great cause then i was admitted and i was allowed to get the epidural! i was in labor for 16 hours and my amazing husband and mom were right by my side the whole time. Kyler finally decided he was ready to come the next morning at 10:25 am!! It was so amazing and we just love him!
9lbs 4 oz.
He had to go to the NICU for a couple hours which was hard beacuse i didnt even get to hold him but we wanted to make sure he was ok. He had a hard time breathing. The doctor told us since he was so big that when he came out it was like he got the wind knocked out of him.
5 long hours later he was able to come back! i am so grateful jared was able to be with him the whole time.
So glad Jared was there to support me and help me through all this!
My mom was the best i am so grateful and happy she was able to be there!

His first night in the hospital :)
In the NICU with Daddy

Kyler only minutes old!