Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I was doing so good at this whole blogging thing then finals happened it all

went down hill..

So our semester is over! but dont you worry a new one has started for me ohh the joys of taking summer classes. Jared has a week off before his semester starts is this fair?

NO! :)

He only has 4 classes till he is done! how exciting then we have a couple options not sure which one we're gonna take yet.. Job or grad school? we'll see!

He has recovered very well from his surgery and is ready to knock out theses classes. Summer is Organic Chem for him which is the hardest class of his college career so summer might be a little stressful in our household but he is always so good about coming home in a good mood :)

As for me I am supposed to graduate in December but because of one class will not be until April but hey thats ok we'll be in Utah so one class wont kill me! YAYY for us almost being done!

other than school running our lives nothing exciting has happened.

NBA finals are about to be the death of me.. That is ALL Jared watches

No exaggeration.

You know what sucks as soon as this is over guess what we watch


I swear it never ends.. I told Jared you know we watch sports too much when i know all the names of players. Awh well at least its not something really dumb. Ill survive some how :)

well there is an update to out little life.

We are still happier than ever and i seem to love Jared more and more everyday even if he is trying to kill me with sports.