Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So last month my beautiful sister in law got married in the Boise Temple it was such a great experience and the wedding was gorgeous! Her colors were Hot pink and black and if anyone knows brittney they are totally her. It has been quite the busy summer traveling to Boise all the time but we have enjoyed every minute there being able to spend time with family. And the new addition to the family phil; fits right in, we all love him! yes phil we do :) We have a great time every time we get to be with siblings. We leave on Friday to go to Maryland to see my siblings for a week and are so excited! This week has been crazzy with studying and trying to get all our last minute assignments in but i am DONE with finals today and poor Jared has one more tomorrow but then he's done as well and we have a nice little 2 week break which we are ecstatic about! We love life and our families!

Here are a couple pictures from the wedding :: Love you Britt and Phil!

Monday, August 2, 2010

This post is all about Jared :) yes he is worth a whole post completely devoted to him.
My top 15 reasons on why i love him so much. They are in no specific order except #1
1. First and for most he loves the lord.
2. He loves me for me
3. He is the most unselfish person.
4. He loves his mom so much and would do anything for his family.
5. He is motivated
6. He wants a family and I know he will make an amazing father one day.
7. He works so hard to provide me with everything i need and most of the time things i want ;)
8. He supports in whatever i want even if i change my mind a million times he is right there with me
9.He ALWAYS makes me laugh
10. He works hard and is dedicated to school.
11. He appreciates me, my strengths and weaknesses.
12. He helps around the house, which is such a huge help to me
13. He is totally fine with Peanut butter and jelly for dinner ( which is rare i might add! lol but hey it happens :)
14. He makes me feel like princess and like a million bucks all at once everyday!
15. He lets me sleep in on Saturday's :)
Bonus: He is hot!
My husband has been putting up with a lot of trials on my behalf this past year and let me tell you i could not have gotten through it without him. If anything they have strengthened our relationship with the lord and with each other so we are grateful. He is amazing and am so blessed Heavenly father sent him my way. He is one of a kind and i LOVE him :)