Thursday, June 20, 2013

So remember that time i was good at blogging? yeah me either..... I now have a little more time on my hands so I want to do my best in updating..I'm horrible at keeping a personal journal so I MUST get better at this.. so ALOT has happened in our little world. We are officially residents of St Louis Missouri. We will be spending the next 3 years of our life here. So the beginning of our adventure was well lets just say i wanted to get in the car and head right back to Provo. We decided that living downtown in the city would be best for our little family because with the amounts of hours Jared will be spending at the school we have heard its worth living close to the school so we will actually see him. so we did we rented a little 2 bedroom place for way to much money to live downtown. We drive in and Kyler and i wait in the car while Jared runs in to get our keys and all of a sudden right in front of me at 1 in the afternoon a man decides to take a little leak on the trashcan RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! i freaked. Jared got in the car and i was freaking out "what is wrong with these people it is the middle of the day!" "does this happen all the time" "I am not coming out here by myself" oh yeah the whole 9 yards, we walk into the apartment and it was so cute beautiful sight of the city much smaller than our first home but manageable. We spend our first night here an right outside our window is a band playing till about 2 am. Yep i was ecstatic about living here. Everything that could have gone wrong did. After that however we haven't had a band play or anything too bizarre happen we have actually LOVED living here we walk everywhere everyone has been so welcoming and friendly. Anyone will tell we just moved here they give us loads of recommendations and fun things to do. Kyler is in heaven with all the kids stuff it is amazing. apparently 1% of the taxes go to a cultural tax so it makes everything free or super cheap we havent even competed a quarter of all the fun things. All in all it has been a wonderful experience and we are excited to see what the next three years have in store.

NOW the fun stuff
Our handsome boy is 18 months...dont know how this happened but it did. He is SO much fun. he fake laughs at himself "reads" everything its an alien language of sorts. He does talk up a storm however
pop pop: granpa
AL:uncle alex
Justin: dudin
maama: grandma
oh no
none: done
trash: ash-- horrible i know haha
nasty: nanny
Snack: nack
Goodnight: nu nights
water: wawa
uh oh
he is so FULL of energy i am totally wiped out by the end of the day sometimes.He is quite the perfectionist and gets frustrated really easily. which is funny but not funny. He loves to get his way what 18 month doesn't i am learning to deal with temper tantrums right now they just came out of nowhere! He HATES nursery screams and cries the whole time..we haven't made it through one Sunday and hes gone for a month! He is a TOTAL mommas boy which i love/hate he always wants me to snuggle but i cant leave without feeling horrible cause he cries "momma momma go" he loves water baths swimming puddles anything! Such a helper loves to help dad fix things, mom cook, put clothes away anything. An awesome sharer at the doctors today he tried to give the lady sitting next to us my 10 dollar bill. ha ha, he is such a sweetheart! we are enjoying all his new developments and this wonderful city we live in! We hope you are all doing as amazing as we are :)

Friday, January 18, 2013

When did my 13 month old become such a BOY..

-He loves to get thrown around and beat up
-throws everything especially if it something he doesn't want ( were working on this one!)
-hits...yes he hits (also working on this one haha)
-climbs on everything
-laughs at his own farts and makes sure we are aware of what just happened
- gets into EVERYTHING.. like i mean EVERYTHING!! ( as i type this he is taking out all of the Tupperware in our cupboards)
-best fit thrower and fake crier..
-grunts when he sees food he wants and is not very patient about it.
-is always the end of the day at times he looks like an orphan not really sure how it happens
-eats everything in sight
- hates taking naps; would rather go to sleep early than have to stop playing during the day
-bites.. in his defense he thinks hes giving raspberries; again working on this one
-loves technology: the cell phone computer radio anything really
-carries the remote around like he owns it
-cries when he has to be held down in his car seat . we plan trips sometimes around when hes tired so he will just fall asleep.ridiculous? I know.
- screams all the time..

YES it has happened i do believe we have entered the toddler stage, hes walking around everywhere and gets really mad when he loses his balance... but adding all this and much more he is SO much fun! hes talking  and copying our phrases.. i love everything about it even his bad  hard habits :) as he currently lays by me screaming because i'm "not paying attention to him" he is so sweet and i still cant believe he turned 1 last month which i will be updating this thing soon.. but they really do grow so fast!

In other news in our little world LAW SCHOOL acceptances are in full swing we have been accepted to 10/15 and haven't heard from the last 5 so yes we have been accepted to everyone so far how in the heck are we supposed to choose?? Anxiety and stress have def been present in our home lately. WELL me more than Jared he is so calm and reassuring that we will figure it out.. we probably wont decide until end of march after we fly out to visit our top 3 over spring break..Most schools are mid west and east coast.. Our considerations are Michigan St, Akron, New Hampshire, Drexel, and William and Mitchell that are still in the mix but like i said we still haven't heard from 5 so next month this list could be totally different, which for my "planner brain" is hard to deal with but it's ok we are surviving this whole process! Its gonna be wonderful to be by my family again but i am getting really nervous about the change we love our home, our ward, our friends and our "bubble" after living here for 6 years we have learned to love it and leaving is very bitter sweet. We are so excited for our new adventure but i cant say there wont be tears..i love our life here but i know i will love our life anyway because i have Jared and Kyler.. The things Jared does and says everyday remind me over and over again why i married him.. He is so good to me and we are so blessed. SO heres a little update on our little family, we are hoping to be out of here by June or July and are in the midst of trying to sell our home so if you know of anyone wanting to buy send them our way! :)

Our handsome boy.. getting way too big and looking for like daddy everyday! 
( but i do see some of me in maybe his stubbornness but
 dont tell his father i will never admit to that!)