Thursday, February 16, 2012

So kyler was born with tons of hair and it is how do we say... out of control! i have tried everything gel, hairspray etc.
and it just sticks right up but i love it :)
Jared suggested cutting it and i freaked out. Im so far from ready to cut his cute little spikes :) So for now he can have crazy out of control hair.

I hope you can tell in this picture he looks like a porcupine but it kind of blends in with the chair.

he is just too cute!

i cant believe my little man is 2 month old.. well according to his 2 month stat i shouldnt call him my little man! He is 14 lbs and 24.5 inches long!
He has chunky cheeks and i LOVE them i kiss them at least 24532 times a day.
Likes: he likes to eat obviously! you better believe hes eating every 3 hours and tends to get a little impatient if mom is taking too long! He loves to talk and smile at mom and dad. He has LOTS of stories. He likes to roll during tummy time, tummy time is not his favorite now that he knows how to roll over. he loves to poop and gets a big grin on his face after the duty is done. He loves to sleep with mom and dad and yes i let him.
dislikes: hates getting dressed after a bath cause its too cold for him. Hates having to wait to eat he moves his lips super fast and starts to cry if its not right when hes ready.
other than that hes such a GREAT baby. he is so chill and loving he still loves to cuddle and i just eat it all up!
Momma loves you baby kyler :)