Thursday, March 8, 2012

CHOCOLATE: We have a love hate relationship.. Why does it have to be so good. I could give up anything in the world except this. WHY. So dumb. Jared doesn't really like sweets, like any sweets how did he get so lucky... We have been trying to eat a lot healthier lately and i have no problem with that but i just cant let go of my chocolate and as i type this and think about it i don't even feel bad.. i love it and there is nothing you can do about it :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So last weekend we took Kyler to his first Jazz game! he loved it he was so focused on all the sounds and lights and people it was great. Jared is a Lebron James fan so he wanted to go watch him play so for Valentines day i got him some tickets :) I'm a jazz fan so I am glad they won by 1 point! It was intense but they are the best kind of games! During the game I look at Jared and he is snapping pictures while all the cheerleaders are on i ask him what the heck are you taking pictures of! (joking around im not crazzy haha!) and he says oh baby im taking pictures of
Lebron...only my husband haha. It was a great night and Kyler was amazing!

I have amazing people in my life. My two best friends from high school flew all the way out here to meet our little man. how blessed am I :) it was so great having them here and catching up. No matter where we are in our life we never seem to forget about the things that are important. I love these girls so much!

Seriously i just love this kid! he is the most easy going lovable baby ever! we truly are blessed :)
we have started the whole him sleeping in his own crib and i made way to big of a deal about it.
we tried it once and he was not having it he cried and i just couldn't let him cry it out.
i know i'm a big wuss
He never cries so i think that is why it was so hard to listen to him cry.
SO the next night we tried again and did things a little different
I laid him down and played with his hair a little bit and talked to him
and in 5 minutes he was out! He slept the whole night too.
He has done it the last 2 nights in a row! Its takes a little longer but i can take 5 minutes to put my little man to bed . he sleeps from 9 till about 7
Its great! i do miss him sleeping next to me because it just means hes getting bigger!
being a mom really is the best job in the world.