Saturday, February 26, 2011

Valentines this year was pretty low key because it was a school night who would have thought we would still be following the "not staying out late on a school night" rule after your on your own and married! but anyways we went and got yummy thai food and of course Jared went over and beyond. He got me the hunger games book series which i have been wanting to read forever! i was totally surprised because i didnt even mention him getting those for me! He knows me too well :) and for him he wanted dumb supplements to work out with so thats what he got. totally boring right. His birthday present last year was the same thing but hey they are expensive so i guess a holiday is the best way to get them!
Before our date! i love going on dates with him

My Beautiful flowers from Jared and his dad! i am one lucky girl. I have the best husband a great father, great brothers, great fathin in law and a great brother inlaw. The men in my life are the best i am truly blessed :)

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