Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wonderful news! Jared FINALLY got his monoski put together! How exciting it has been a 2 year process trying to get all the right pieces after making a million phone calls and a billion emails we finally got in contact with who we needed and got them all. He gets to try it out on tuesday! I got new boots for my snowboard too. I love going its something we can do together and im pretty sure ill get to watch Jared because ill be falling on my butt as he flies down the hill so we'll see!!
Valentines this year was pretty low key because it was a school night who would have thought we would still be following the "not staying out late on a school night" rule after your on your own and married! but anyways we went and got yummy thai food and of course Jared went over and beyond. He got me the hunger games book series which i have been wanting to read forever! i was totally surprised because i didnt even mention him getting those for me! He knows me too well :) and for him he wanted dumb supplements to work out with so thats what he got. totally boring right. His birthday present last year was the same thing but hey they are expensive so i guess a holiday is the best way to get them!
Before our date! i love going on dates with him

My Beautiful flowers from Jared and his dad! i am one lucky girl. I have the best husband a great father, great brothers, great fathin in law and a great brother inlaw. The men in my life are the best i am truly blessed :)

As most of you know i have quite the packer fan as a husband. He gets nervous and so into the game. its quite cute ;) but this year they made it to the SUPER BOWL so as you can imagine he was more than excited. We went to Jareds Aunts house in toelle with his brother Alex and his sister Brittney and her husband Phil. Jareds cousin chase was there too. We had a great time! Ate wayy to much food and had fun catching up with everyone. AND the PACKERS WON! yayy maybe next year my Redskins will win it! ;) just maybe.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

So its not mothers day obviously but i saw this and thought it was so funny because who out there doesnt think their mom is super women cause i for one totally think mine is. She is the best person ever. i love her. i talk to her at least twice a day (not even kidding) AND we never having to not talk about. I cant wait to live by her one day hopefully to learn all her tricks :) i miss her a lot but ill see you in less than 2 months thanks Drew and Lisa for getting married so i can see my momma! :) Love you mom!


So i have been thinking a lot about everything that has been going on in our life lately and how its not easy things we're dealing with but we have never been happier. I love our life together. I know its because we have god, eachother and tons of faith. I am totally content and happy with where we are right now. Finshing our education it is SO important and im excited to be getting to the end. I have been taking a moral theory class and it talks all about you are the only one that decides how you want to live your life not your past, not your present and not your future. I 100% believe that, are people gonna have bad luck yes! are things going to go wrong? yes! are bad things going to happpen that are not fair? Yes but it is how YOU control the situation that will end in happiness. you are only as happy as you want to be. I choose to be HAPPY.. and thats how we're gonna stay. :)